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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2020

Good Birds Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be All Right Shirt

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Up to take one tree down. Well one day, me, my brother, and my best friend were up about 50 plus feet, we all jump out, and then... nothing. We were all usually pretty calm when things went wrong in the woods, but the anxiety was palpable as everyone deliberately and cautiously got themselves safely back onto the tree. That climb down was such a relief, and I don't believe we ever surfed again. Don't even get me started on finding random vines that we'd trust to swing out far away from the hillside where we pretended to do BMX and skateboard trucks. I grew up within the boundaries of Tufts University’s campus, at the end of my street was a campus building that. BUY IT:  Good Birds Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be All Right Shirt

Original Tattoo Heavy Xmas Santa Claus Christmas All Days Shirt

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There was an enormous oak in the quad, that had huge branches. I would climb up about 20 feet and sit on a branch and study. Or take naps in the sunlight, like a lazy leopard. A poster below mentioned tree riding, but we played differently and called it tree surfing. I grew up with miles of forest behind me, and the idea was to climb up a tree that we thought would bend over far enough to ride down. By the time we were in highschool we weighed a lot more so we could take on thicker trees. Were talking 40 feet up, swing out with only arms and hope it goes. At one point we upped the ante to do this in fricking tandem to the point where we'd have 3 people climb a. BUY IT:  Original Tattoo Heavy Xmas Santa Claus Christmas All Days Shirt

Funny The Tribe Has Spoken Christmas Shirt

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Weight and climbing trees is so not scary (cause you feel surrounded by all the branches, it's not like it's just a clean fall under you) that you rarely realize how dangerously high you are before you can't go up anymore. Amazing. 13/10 would recommend. I miss being so little and light I could basically go all the way to the top... My dumb ass used to climb to the very top of my back yard tree, well above the top of my parent's roof. The trunk would be 2" diameter at that point. Once I go to the top, there was nothing else to do, so I'd just hold on and try to rock the tree top back and forth. Looking back, I'm completely shocked my mom let me that.In college. BUY IT:  Funny The Tribe Has Spoken Christmas Shirt

Funny 74 Years Old Retro Birthday Amazing Since January 1947 Shirt

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Stole it. Disclaimer: cannot guarantee all details are accurate as ofc he was told all this from his friends after he woke up, which would have been years before he told the story to me, which was also a long time ago. That reminded me of my closest call as a kid. Tree height is hard to remember as a kid. Everything always seems bigger when you’re young. I do remember being able to see my friends rooftop, looking down, on their two story house. So it was a pretty tall tree we were in. Anyhow, I fell from the highest spot we could climb to. Hit several good, sturdy branches on the way down, and hit the ground. Being like 10 years old, I just laid there groaning. BUY IT:  Funny 74 Years Old Retro Birthday Amazing Since January 1947 Shirt

Perfect All I Need Is This Plant And That Other Plant And Those Plants Over There And Shirt

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The multiple bee stings ran away unscathed. Still not sure how I pulled that one off. I cheated death and injury alot as a kid. My dad told me when he was a kid he climbed a tree too high and fell off into a jaggy bush and was knocked out. His friends dragged him out the bush, ran up the street to get his mam who was hysterical and thought he’d died because he was all cut up (according to his friends). Called an ambulance, all was okay. The part he rages about is that his dad had crafted him some sort of (wooden I think?) go cart that he loved to drive around on, and apparently it was on the pavement or something by the tree and when  was the ambulance someone. BUY IT:  Perfect All I Need Is This Plant And That Other Plant And Those Plants Over There And Shirt

Perfect Avez Vous Bu Oui Non Shirt

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Kid breaks arm. This gave me sudden flashbacks. Had a friend drop from a really hight tree, get slowed down by a branch, and hit the ground some three feet away from a well. As I type tis, I realize nobody could believe it. The tree is still across from my house, and the well too. I wouldn't climb that thing now for all the money in the world. We used to do this as well... Sometimes climbing on branches as thick as a pencil and some how we didn't break them. Of course we were much lighter back then but also more stupid. Same here, was 40-50 feet up when I unknowingly angered a beehive. Jumped down, ran away, and all while slapping my head and body. Other thans. BUY IT:  Perfect Avez Vous Bu Oui Non Shirt

Perfect Senior Dad 2020 Could I Be Any Prouder Shirt

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Near the top. On the descent my body rag dolled off of one branch to another until I slammed into the ground where the wind was pushed out of my chest. I recall gasping for air while being in incredible pain from the blows. My dad, who didn’t witness the fall, told me to walk it off. Later on I found out that’s how I likely broke my collar bone which had healed by the time it was found out. My other story involves unhooking breaks from our bike because it made it more exciting and careening down the hill because it to was exciting. Let’s just say ninja rolling off the bike into a yard doesn’t always work as a kid Expects and intends. Kid smash into stop sign a. BUY IT:  Perfect Senior Dad 2020 Could I Be Any Prouder Shirt

Awesome Socially Distant Girl Shirt

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I was standing on thinking "I cant believe this is holding my weight" and Karma was quick to remind me how dumb I was cause it broke beneath me and I started hitting branches as I fell like a preteen pinball. Luckily instead of landing on my head or my fragile appendages I landed square on my back and only had the wind knocked out of me. My buddy (same guy) asked if I was alright and all I could do for a few seconds was lay there practicing my karp impression. Omg. We had a tree that was perfectly suited for climbing when I was younger. 40+ feet tall with lots of branches. Climbed it probably 50 times as a wild child. On one occasion, the, I slipped somewhere. BUY IT:  Awesome Socially Distant Girl Shirt

Nice I Still Play Duck Duck Goose Shirt

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Be covered in tree sap! First one, I climbed a small pine tree. Think mall Christmas tree, not huge but too big for a house. Well I made it to the top and it's fairly thin and im swaying back and forth. My buddy at the bottom thought it would be funny to shake the tree. So there I am, holding onto this twig as I whip back and forth. Then SNAP the tree breaks and I feel like Wiley Coyote realizing he stepped off a cliff. Next thing I feel is my buddy who couldn't make it out of the way as he became my unwilling cushion. No injuries, but I did get a free tree top. Second story again I climbed a tree, this one a bigger normal tree. I remember jumping  the branch. BUY IT:  Nice I Still Play Duck Duck Goose Shirt

Nice Baking Don’t Be A Twatwaffle Shirt

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A friend fall out of a tree (on his birthday showing off to everyone) and breaking his arm as a result. When I was younger my group of friends told me there was no way I could climb the biggest pine tree on out street. I still remember that feeling of ‘oh jesus, now I have to get back down’. Scars build character. My brother, the neighborhood kids, and I used to climb the line of 20-30ft cedar trees that separated our yard from our neighbors. When we got to the top, we’d jump and hope that the cedar boughs would catch our fall! Only the end tree had branches thick enough to catch us at the bottom, so that was the only one we’d jump from though. Used constantl. BUY IT:  Nice Baking Don’t Be A Twatwaffle Shirt

Nice Cubs Chicago Toilet Paper 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Open construction sites sometimes on exposed high rises. The adrenaline definitely fogged any fears while climbing and looking at the finished buildings today I wonder if it was really worth a few pictures to be hanging 40 stories above the ground. Yeah same. We had a forest starting behind our backyard and I climbed most of the trees in that not very small forest, which had loads of very old and unstable trees. Holy crap! This is true. We had massive gum trees at our house, they would have been more than 200 years old and one time I just kept climbing... In retrospect if we had some rigging equipment it would have been quite safe! I never fell, but I did see. BUY IT:  Nice Cubs Chicago Toilet Paper 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

Nice Define Vintage Diesel Mechanic Shirt

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Many times... peed on voltage stabiliser , Refrigerator and switches and then try to touch it. I always of childhood obsession to touch the electrical plug if they are not plugged correctly to the switch and try to touch the metallic part. Got shocked so badly once. Me and my brother used to bath together as kid and we would force our head in water choking each other out. And finally I have uncanny habit of putting small stones in my nose and inhaling them. Ended in ER as it got stuck and I cannot breathe and thought i might die. looking back definitely the trees I climbed as a kid were a gateway to climbing cranes and buildings as a teen. Most of which weres. BUY IT:  Nice Define Vintage Diesel Mechanic Shirt

Premium Jack Skellington Fuck Corona Shirt

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Pine tree me and my cousin would climb like half way up this at least like 25 meter tall tree with no real safety thing or anything and just got lucky we never fell out of it. I wonder how big that tree is now. My sister used to tree swap like our dad used to. she got hold of a tree that would not hold her weight and clung to it for dear life. Had she hung her legs down it would’ve been fine, but no. Anyway the tree snapped, obviously and she winded herself. The whole thing is on video. She’s fine but is not really very keen on climbing trees anymore. I had a habit of peeing on electricity switches in my home and then have urge to touch  switches. Got shocked. BUY IT:  Premium Jack Skellington Fuck Corona Shirt

Premium Lane Meyer Greendale Ca Est 1985 Racing Team Shirt

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Totally fine. This! We had two very tall trees in our garden (about 10m high each) and you could climb from one onto the other over a pretty thin branch about 6-7m up. We would sometimes literally jump across. This! We had two very tall trees in our garden (about 10m high each) and you could climb from one onto the other over a pretty thin branch about 6-7m up. We would sometimes literally jump across. Hi it’s Tim and Kim and Jim! Here is a story that’s rather grim. Whats there to do for a party of three? Whats that tim? To climb a tree. Oh yeah. I can't do it anymore cause my joints couldn't take it and my grandparents moved out and died but they had a huges. BUY IT:  Premium Lane Meyer Greendale Ca Est 1985 Racing Team Shirt

Premium Realtor 2020 Essential Shirt

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It being a spruce tree I had lots if branches to break my fall, but needless to say that it hurt when I finally stopped on a particularly thick branch. Just pure luck that I didn't fall off to the side or something and died. I was around 13, and my brother was a couple years younger so we really should've known better. The worst part is that it was far from the craziest thing we've done growing up. How we survived is a miracle... I watched my sister fall down a very tall tree hitting what seemed like every branch on the way down. She was basically unscathed. Kid’s resilience is insane. She also fell down our basement stairs and hit the concrete floor below.To. BUY IT:  Premium Realtor 2020 Essential Shirt

Original These Titties Are Protected By A Smokin’ Hot Drummer Shirt

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Growing up had some hills on the outskirt of a forest where my younger brother and I would play a lot. On one side of a hill there was a drop of about 5-6m(~15-20 feet) which had some spruce trees growing alongside the cliff. Our dumb asses decided it would be fun to jump out to those trees to chill... We would lay down across a couple of the branches and relax in between going from one tree to the next or swapping places by swinging the tree tops back and forth, and then stepping off to the next tree. We eventually stopped after I fell through when one of the branches snapped/my foot slid off to the side (can't really remember) as I was stepping over. Luckil. BUY IT:  Original These Titties Are Protected By A Smokin’ Hot Drummer Shirt

Awesome Senior Mom 2020 Could I Be Any Prouder Shirt

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And touching the cables. In retrospect, they were probably only for cable tv or telephone lines, but it was probably still not a safe thing to do. This was my absolute favorite thing to do and looking back I really could have died with one wrong move. Luckily I was skilled enough to never fall out of one. Jesus.. My parents lived on a hillside that was about 40ft from ground level (I looked up a topographical map for that number). I remember climbing a tree and being a good 15-20 feet ABOVE our yard line, making me 40+ feet up. (High enough the wind was taking the tree and blowing it, and me, significantly side to side.) My mom came out into the yard and I am. BUY IT:  Awesome Senior Mom 2020 Could I Be Any Prouder Shirt

Original Weed Relax It’s Just The Bud Not Corona Virus Shirt

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Week from my hoodie, it looked like someone tied a rope around my neck snd tried strangling me. Safe to say I learned my lesson haha. True. My favourite was very tall and sort of thin, but with the trunk forking pretty low down, so you were sort of between the two parts of the trunk, and therefore had plenty support on either side. In 4th grade I purposely climbed a tree that was too high, and purposely fell off to get out of square dancing lessons. those dance lessons were mandatory for school And I always got paired with the kid who scratches his ass and licks his hand. It was horrible and terrifying and horrible and traumatic. Climbing trees next to powers. BUY IT:  Original Weed Relax It’s Just The Bud Not Corona Virus Shirt

Pretty Pharmacy Tech Life Shirt

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Him to gey down. Climbed to the top of a probably 80ft old-growth Douglas fir tree. Might as well have been a redwood. Fell out of a smaller tree once and crashed through many branches, then a bush, landed on my back, and turned to see a sharp tree stump inches from my face. We had a pine that was great for climbing, you just had to cl8mb up on my garage to reach the lowest main branch. We got high enough to see a couple blocks over, maybe 70 feet up. We also went when it was windy, because why not? I was wearing a zip up once and it got caught in a branch that was sticking out and I was literally hanging from the tree. I had a ring around my neck for like an. BUY IT:  Pretty Pharmacy Tech Life Shirt

Pretty Vintage 1966 53rd Birthday Shirt

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To breathe for way too long, saw my life flash before my eyes an everything, felt mildly annoyed at the idea of dying in such a silly way.... And then I slowly started breathing again. I have a story on this subject, at a resteraunt in the outside area there were some very tall pine trees, he decides to clime one of these pine trees very high and accidentally knocks down a pinecone which almost hits this guy in the head and might have killed that man and instead of freaking out the guy just looks up at my brother and asks were his parents are, he points to our mother (who by the way had no idea what my brother was doing at the time) and the man has her tell a. BUY IT:  Pretty Vintage 1966 53rd Birthday Shirt

Pretty Skull Warrior Not Dead Yet Kidney Disease Awareness Shirt

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I climbed a tree as high as the 3rd storey. To this day i dont know how the smaller than twigs at the top held my weight. Good days. I used to climb high up this oak tree and tie a bandana. I then would time myself barefoot climbing and back down to see how fast I could do it. If I fell I would have fucked myself up. I remember a friend of mine stepped on a 2x4 with a nail sticking out of it, that someone else had left near our treehouse. The nail went right through his foot. All I could think, at 8, was "what a fucking idiot for not looking where he put his foot". Almost died doing that once. Jumped to another branch, slipped, fell on my back. I wasn't abled. BUY IT:  Pretty Skull Warrior Not Dead Yet Kidney Disease Awareness Shirt

Hot Unicorn If You Can Read This Sign You Are Too Close Shirt

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Shorter legs was too scared to jump. Her mom could not be bothered. She told us, "If she can get up, she can get down." Eventually she did in fact get down but WTF? It was extremely dangerous and her mom did not GAF. I didn't climb trees, but I did climb to the roof of my house and friend's houses via fence then jump off onto the grass. I'm an adult now, and I shit my pants on the third rung of a ladder trying to climb to the roof. Climbing a tree with a homemade harness, then falling out of the tree and hanging there, my foot caught in said harness. We had pine trees, we could easily climb 70-100ft up, often had to call my older brother a talk me down though. BUY IT:  Hot Unicorn If You Can Read This Sign You Are Too Close Shirt

Hot This Lockdown Thing Sure Is Messing Up My Camping Career Shirt

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Saying anything about it. Thankfully didn't get tetanus. I once climbed up a like 40 ft tree that was super easy to climb at my friends house. A branch broke and I almost fell to my death, but luckily my child brain grabbed onto another branch and I was fine. Yes, once I climbed a VERY, VERY high pine tree with a friend. As we started climbing the very top of the tree, the branches started to break off under us. The mother of the girl who owned the tree thought it was cute AF and took a picture. Eventually I made it down the tree by leaping the far distance to the part where the branches were stable, but my friend who was a couple of years younger than a with. BUY IT:  Hot This Lockdown Thing Sure Is Messing Up My Camping Career Shirt

Good Skull Always Be Nice To Electricians We Could Make It Look Like An Accident Vintage Retro Shirt

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With the branch in front of me, then slipped, pitched forward and hit a gravel slope with my face that I slid down.. With my face.. A friend and I built tree houses 40 feet up in trees and built a rope bridge connecting them. How we are alive, no one knows. Same here. I'm surprised that I didn't fall and die to be honest. I used to climb this one pine tree, walk far out onto the branches, jump onto the top of a 15 foot high crabapple tree. Think of a fountain of wild gnarly crabapple tree that grew up and then to the ground. I'd jump onto it and slide down. Over and over. One time I even landed on a board and my foot went right down on a nail. Did even bother. BUY IT:  Good Skull Always Be Nice To Electricians We Could Make It Look Like An Accident Vintage Retro Shirt

Perfect Baby Yod Hug Autism Hear Love Is Love Shirt

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Bit less. When the branch finally snapped it turned out to be a good thing that the tree was mostly dead: every branch I broke on the way down slowed my fall so that when I landed I didn't even break any bones. If there had been a sturdy branch halfway down it would have broken me instead, and there was a real chance of getting impaled... Yup, we had a tree in the back yard that I used to climb to the top. My mom has a pic in the family photo album of me in the tree that she took from the front yard. So I was well above the height of a two story house. Not sure why that was allowed. Yeah man! I remember stepping on a branch that was rotten. Had Gandalf moment. BUY IT:  Perfect Baby Yod Hug Autism Hear Love Is Love Shirt

Premium Baseball Santa Hat Christmas Shirt

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While just 3 days later I had surgery on my foot to put a bone back in place. Still have no idea how I "walked" away from that situation with relatively no major injury. Same, we had a 40-foot pine tree outside our house and we used to climb up to the top. It had branches every foot or so, so climbing it was really pretty easy and it would be hard to imagine falling very far without catching yourself. That said, if I saw my kid up in a tree higher than my entire house, I'd probably shit myself. I definitely climbed ~30 feet up a half-dead pine tree following a friend of mine. Didn't take into account that the friend was about 6" shorter than me,and weighed  a. BUY IT:  Premium Baseball Santa Hat Christmas Shirt

Original Bird Santa Hat He Sees You When You’Re Eating He Knows When You’Ve Got Snacks Christmas Shirt

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From my knee to ankle along the shin, had to wear bandages for fucking ages. My mates mum went fucking nuts. Good times. I was climbing an oak tree and got about 12-15 feet up when I was 13. Reached up for a branch and it broke when I pulled too hard on it. My. Momentum brought me forward and next thing I know if heading towards the ground fave first, close my eyes and then smack the ground face first super freaking hard. I was at camp so I got rushed to the nurses station real fast, I kept telling them I broke my foot but they thought I was loopy from hitting my head and didn't believe me. Well long story short, my head, neck, and back were all completely ok. BUY IT:  Original Bird Santa Hat He Sees You When You’Re Eating He Knows When You’Ve Got Snacks Christmas Shirt

Official Edward Scissorhands Hold Me I Can’T Shirt

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Me reason this reminded me of a game a friend of mine and I played. It was at my friend's farm and there were these two corrugated iron sheds standing right next to each other. We used to somehow get up on the roof of the sheds and then run down the roof of one shed to gather speed before leaping across the gap to the roof of the second shed. Both roofs didn't have guttering on them so the edge was just a jagged, sharp piece of corrugated iron. One time I fucked up the jump, managed to get one leg on top of the roof so I didn't fall to the ground but my other leg I scraped fucking hard down the edge of the corrugated iron. Took the skin off my leg all the way. BUY IT:  Official Edward Scissorhands Hold Me I Can’T Shirt

Pretty Cat And Note Music Shirt

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Like fun too. Same my friends and I had a game where one of us would climb into a tree and the rest would throw sticks, rocks and anything else we could get our hands on. Whoever could stay in the tree the longest would win. The most funny thing about this is we never would record the times of the guy in the tree. We also came up with another game where each person took turns trying to ride a pedal tractor across a driveway while we're throwing basketballs, footballs, water balloons. I'm sure someone had a baseball or too. But it was ok! The person on the pedal tractor had to wear this old motorcycle helmet we had bought at a garage sale. Saftey first! For so. BUY IT:  Pretty Cat And Note Music Shirt

Funny 100 Years Of 1920 2020 Chicago Bears Thank For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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Found out at my wedding during his speech about this and was not happy. My buddies and I restored an old tree house on the outskirts of town that was a good 30 feet in the air. We had to rebuild the "ladder" to get to the platform and then used a rope to pull up materials. We had a three tiered house by the time we were finished. Fun, but dangerous. There are zipline places in Sonoma, CA, in redwood trees. They are very tall, and they sway. It feels like they're breathing when you're near the top of them.  Skydived once just to do it, but as soon as I was under canopy I really wished I had my glider with all that lovely altitude and no obstacles.Freefall look. BUY IT:  Funny 100 Years Of 1920 2020 Chicago Bears Thank For The Memories Signatures Shirt

Nice Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt

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You’d just hold on and jump off once u got near the ground. Almost similar to what me and my brother would do. The trees in our woods grew so close together we would climb up them and be able to jump from tree to tree. This makes me think of Colorado-ing. Anywhere the snow gets feet deep you climb to the top of an evergreen tree and shake it until it snaps and you fall all the way down into the snow. My brother got our ball stuck in a tree and we had to put a ladder in the tree to get to the top. I told my brother I would pay him $5 to do it and I never did. He held that over my head for years and I finally paid him back when he graduated highs school. My mom. BUY IT:  Nice Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt

Hot Busy Making My Ancestors Proud Shirt

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Into the driveway and we’d land all CIA agent style. Jumping off moving vehicles... I only got caught once by my dad and he ripped me a new one lol. I forget when we stopped but man. If we ever landed wrong lol There was a small forest along a river near my high school and my friends and I would jump from trees to trees. One time a friend jumped to a tree, noticed something and told me to jump with as much force as I could. Obviously, it fell down. I barely made it to another, didn't stop us. Electrical pylons climbing was one too. We used to do something like this with the smaller trees, u would climb as far up them as u could until they started bending then. BUY IT:  Hot Busy Making My Ancestors Proud Shirt

Good By Grabthar’s Hammer You Shall Be Avenged Shirt

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Did this a few times until one day we both climbed the tree and started rocking it back and forth to break the spot that we cut part way through. Why should only one of us have all the fun? The tree broke suddenly and fell very fast. I had the wind knocked out of me and my friend was fine. Lucky. Growing up in North Louisiana, we had a lot of time on our hands, and more importantly a lot of pine trees(softwood) We would see who could climb to the highest point and ride it down...every so often the top would snap and you would come crashing down. When we’d go to the store or lake or even just for a ride. When we’d get home, we’d jump off the truck as it was go. BUY IT:  Good By Grabthar’s Hammer You Shall Be Avenged Shirt

Nice Paw Dog Santa Reindeer ELF Merry Christmas Light Sweatshirt

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Flexible, climb to the top and rock back and forth to get the tree swaying real good, then use it to catapult myself into another nearby tree because.... I could? Super fun. Don't know how I never died. We used to climb the tree, then jump out, but not all the way and ride the ends of the branches to the ground. Much better with fir trees. Shit that reminds me. We found this skinny baby tree right next to a cliff that was dangling over it a little. It was really flexible but pretty sturdy, and was in the perfect place where we could run, jump and grab it and be gently lowered to the ground. Only like a 12 to 15 ft drop, but it was so much fun. My friend and I. BUY IT:  Nice Paw Dog Santa Reindeer ELF Merry Christmas Light Sweatshirt

Hot Covid 19 Hair The Chop Shop Don’T Care Shirt

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Was pretty fun. Never though of climbing trees then cutting them down! If I'd heard that as a kid we probably would have tried it (I mean, we had axes already). We called tree riding when you bend down a younger tree so that the top touches ground. While your friends keep it that way you grab onto the top and then they will release it so that the tree will pull itself back up straight. Yep, my dad told us about this when I was a kid. Blows my mind! How long do you have to stay up there while your friends hatchet the trunk?? I feel like that would take forever!! I used to do something kinda similar! Used to climb cedar/pine trees that were young and there fore. BUY IT:  Hot Covid 19 Hair The Chop Shop Don’T Care Shirt

Happy Weed Cannabis Good Buds Stick Together Shirt

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In ER as it got stuck and I cannot breathe and thought i might die. Ten slaps from my mother and i am good guy now. As someone who used to cut down trees for work.... I'm secretly a little jealous. This would def cross our minds but we weren't good enough Sawyers to guarantee the tree rider would survive. How tall were these trees? Our version of tree riding was out on a farm with lots of deadfalls (huge gum trees that were bulldozed into piles and dead and sunbleached). You'd find a nice branch, pile as many kids on it as were able to, then jump up and down until the branch broke, usually throwing you all several metres to the ground on top of each other. It. BUY IT:  Happy Weed Cannabis Good Buds Stick Together Shirt

Good Yes I Am The Crazy Book Lady Shirt

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There were those times she'd snap unexpectedly and we'd plummet far too high for comfort. I had a habit of peeing on electricity switches in my home and then have urge to touch the switches. Got shocked many times... peed on voltage stabiliser , Refrigerator and switches and then try to touch it. I always of childhood obsession to touch the electrical plug if they are not plugged correctly to the switch and try to touch the metallic part. Got shocked so badly once. Me and my brother used to bath together as kid and we would force our head in water choking each other out. And finally I have uncanny habit of putting small stones in my nose and inhaling them.End. BUY IT:  Good Yes I Am The Crazy Book Lady Shirt

Nice I Am The Crazy Grandma Proud Laughs Loud This Crazy Grandma Is Strong Shirt

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Little lower, and all of a sudden we see him fall out of the tree. He just laid there on his back in the grass for a good amount of time before he was able to get up again and my mom told all of us to come inside for a bit. Tree riding. Climb a tree and have your friends cut it down. We would have contests to see who would climb the highest. I won more than once. I cannot fathom how I nor anyone else was not seriously hurt, nevermind killed. This reminds me of a version we used to do called, "Tree bolting." Essentially we'd find trees that had the right thickness to bend well at certain heights and ride the flex down. Usually it was nothing but succes.However. BUY IT:  Nice I Am The Crazy Grandma Proud Laughs Loud This Crazy Grandma Is Strong Shirt

Cool Snopy Merry Christmas Nfl Seahawks Unisex Shirt

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Pro markets, which in some cases put me squarely in the center of the Democratic party. Like supporting a carbon tax, other places less so. Like I oppose a medicare 4 all plan with no private market, but also believe our current system is total.I'm also strongly pro-free trade, but now the Trump party is isolationist, so that's a wash. Nationally we've gone crazy with an unreasoned opposition to the vague concepts of regulations. Locally however there are a lot of onerous regulations that are pretty difficult for small business owners to comply with just from a sophistication level. Also, all the raging NIMBYs are dems and shut down any development. What are. BUY IT:  Cool Snopy Merry Christmas Nfl Seahawks Unisex Shirt

Nice I Like Tattoos And Lifting And Maybe 3 People Shirt

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Maybe I’d have to go against those if someone had some other horrific views and would act on them. But luckily crazy hasn’t really aligned with those viewpoints very often so I haven’t been put in that situation. The way I see it, single-issue voters are dumbasses when their single view completely ignores the wellbeing of everyone around them and of future generations with climate change.  If you don't believe in climate change at all so it's not a problem, then you're still a dumbass. If you're compromising some of your views and voting for the side that you think will better the country for everyone, no matter how many views you're basing it to of,I do see. BUY IT:  Nice I Like Tattoos And Lifting And Maybe 3 People Shirt

Original I Just Want To Drink Wine And Pet My Cat Shirt

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We are seeing with a single-issue voter are that. They are forced to focus on very few issues. Because they are given cookie-cutter candidates that perfectly represent such a small percentage of the population. It's worse than that. No one wins primaries without the billionaire support donating to them. Whoever has to most donations to make political advertisements usually wins. Michael Bloomberg controls who wins a lot of the DNC primaries at least to the point where very few DNC politicians win if they are not in toe with his anti-gun policies.Republicans have this same issue too. I'm fine with UBI and UHC, just not willing to give up my hobbies to get its. BUY IT:  Original I Just Want To Drink Wine And Pet My Cat Shirt H201203082 900.899,95 ₫ 819.000,00 ₫

Official Chord Shut Your Shirt

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Wouldn't normally in other systems, into a single-issue voter.Exactly. You have more options in the primaries but one candidate will always be pushed by the party itself through funding and other means to be the front runner. Then you have it narrowed down to 2 people and a small percentage of people will have the same opinions as to the candidate for each party. People are forced to compromise on policy ideas. Because they are given such few options. Instead. If they got rid of primaries and allowed for more people to have a more direct chance of becoming president. You could implement a ranked-choice voting system.  What I’m trying to say is that  problems. BUY IT:  Official Chord Shut Your Shirt

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Reconstruction if they see that Trump's base can no longer carry the GOP to victory in 2020. News organizations in the US are for-profit, so they fill a niche. If Trump is no longer earning them money, they'll move on to the next thing. It's the whole reason they have a conservative bias, to begin with, it makes them money. It's a massive part of the problem with the two-party system IMO. You aren't given options to vote for the policy you actually want. Say you support the right to abortion, but don't want stricter gun control. Well the US system pretty much forces you to give up on one of those and pick which one you care about the most. Turning people who. BUY IT:  Funny Dear Daddy This Christmas I’ll Be Snuggled Up In Mommy’s Tummy But Next Christmas I’ll Be Cuddled Up With You Shirt

Hot Dwight Schrute Cpr Certified Shirt

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Certain amount? This would force campaigns to be grassroots in nature and have support from a large amount of Americans and should also help stop lobbying.One of the issues with this, if you're liberal, is that the right tends to unite more easily under one-party whereas the left often gets split between the centrist party and the actual left party. He's the greatest president this country has ever had, despite the entire fake news being against him from day one. But no matter what they do, none of their fake accusations and hoaxes manage to stick and he comes out stronger than ever. Ish. Less turning on and more preparing for the potential pro-Trump GOP the. BUY IT:  Hot Dwight Schrute Cpr Certified Shirt

Cool Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stoned On Stage Shirt

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On a team and that's not really what politics should be about. Our first president, George Washington, legit said two parties will divide and hurt our country. The first dude of things and stuff warned against it.The two-party system isn’t forced in place by any government policy, so it must be a symptom of something larger. I think these two policies will address the root issues of some of the problems with our democracy. Admittedly I’m not entirely sure about the first one, I’d be curious to hear the support of alternate takes. Or, hear me out, a no-party system. What if we abolished parties entirely, and only allowed personal donations to campaigns of any. BUY IT:  Cool Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stoned On Stage Shirt

Good Goat Wait What I Have An Attitude No Really Who Knew Shirt

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Then I found out about ranked-choice voting and I think everyone, regardless of party. Should know about it and support it. Great video on ranked-choice voting here: I highly encourage everyone to watch it because it's the only solution I've seen that could give third parties a chance without making people feel like their vote is wasted on a third party.Ranked-choice and like 3 more legitimate parties would be nice. I tend to lean liberal but when someone tries to pigeonhole me into a corner I make it perfectly clear that the system is fucked and if they're happy with the one or the other than how am I the chump? It works wonders because they are stuck cheer. BUY IT:  Good Goat Wait What I Have An Attitude No Really Who Knew Shirt

Happy Dinosaur Trex On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Christmas Shirt

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Parties an unbeatable strategy, and dividing them a sure-fire loss. If the Democrats split the vote by forming two parties, the Republicans would win in a landslide and vice-versa. Some form of ranked-choice voting would probably be the best cure for the problem, but that'd be career suicide for all the people capable of making it happen. And it's almost like, and hear me out, John Adams warned us of this exact thing.People repeat this so often but never offer a way to do it. Like it's a lot more complicated than just. We should have a third party. Why should I vote third party if that means a person? I really don't want to win will have a better chance? But. BUY IT:  Happy Dinosaur Trex On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Christmas Shirt

Great Santa Claus Riding Dragon Christmas Shirt

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With a 2 party system as long as everyone realizes that compromises are going to have to be made. We, as a society, need to understand that Republicans and Democrats aren't supposed to fight against each other, we're supposed to work with each other to come to agreements that make either side both a little bit happy and a little bit disappointed. We have other parties, but they don’t get attention. Forefathers didn’t want parties in the first place. The GOP should change its name, they clearly don’t understand the separation of church and state. Single-member districts that win by a strict majority pressure voters into strategic voting and thus 2 partie.This. BUY IT:  Great Santa Claus Riding Dragon Christmas Shirt

Premium I Battle The Angel Of Death What Do You Do Shirt

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Is over is for the two-party system to change completely. And you end up like the Netherlands, which has his very own kind of special hell when it comes to democracy. It's partying all wanting a score and compromising on their ideals to get the popular vote. I'll give you an example. We have extremely left-leaning schools (source: I'm a teacher), politics, and media, which makes your life very hard when you're not a leftist. There is no libertarian option. Voting 'right' here is still being a major socialist over here. There were over a dozen candidates on the ballot from all kinds of different parties. But effectively, there are only twoThere's nothing wron. BUY IT:  Premium I Battle The Angel Of Death What Do You Do Shirt

Official The Bicycle Cycologist Shirt

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Instead of having different parties, Maybe we could just vote on what issues to tackle and set up institutions to handle those. Like their sole purpose is problem-solving.Then they could propose the different ways to solve it and we could vote again on how to proceed. This would require a highly educated population, unfortunately... It's almost like the population should vote on individual key issues rather than just picking the best of a bad pair. It’s almost like we had a couple of founding fathers that warned us about a two-party system dependence. The two-party system sucks. The one thing that I will fight nonstop over for the next 4 years after election. BUY IT:  Official The Bicycle Cycologist Shirt